What can I say, this one was a little hard to get into, at first, because I have nothing in common with the main female character, nada, zero, zilch. So I took me a while to empathize with her, but after about 3/4 I got there. I almost loved Cricket, but he wasn't present enough in the book for me to be able to have a clear opinion. The characters where so much more flawed than the ones in "Anna and the french kiss" (but so fun to read about) and the twists so much more frustrating. However, there's just something about Stephanie Perkins' books that makes you feel you are breathing the same air as the characters and I love that about a book. Quite a few things I disagreed with in the plot, yet I couldn't help enjoying it tremendously, so I just can't give it a lower rating. But I'll say this, the thing that bother me quite a lot was how the author pulled a 360 on Max, who seemed a pretty decent guy, for the first part. Alone from the age difference. Tough, where I come from you're considered pretty much still a kid at 22 and most 22 year-olds I know are still very much in touch with their teen selves. I think he was purposely made to seem older and "experience" just so we wouldn't like him and find their relationship creepy. But he sat trough all those brunches with the parents and he seemed to genuinely care about Lola. Then all of a sudden she meant nothing to him. This part was too much of a stretch and I think there could have been a better way to wrap-up their romance.